Growing up, I wanted people to like me and if there was a hint that they did not then I didn’t like it. I would do stupid things to try to make them like me. I would try out their hobbies eat the same food with them, I would want to dress like them, shop like them ,so I would not be left out.  Behaved differently around people trying to be a person I thought they wanted me to be.It led me to be friends with people who made me feel bad about myself.

Not giving enough to those who should have been friends for life. It drains you and makes you feel incomplete, you have to dig deep to find out who you really are, I relaxed and became me. I did what I was interested in, I explored, read, listened and learnt. Often on my own, I met new people and made time for old friends.

 I am not perfect! I try to be kind and considerate, but that does not happen all the time. My thoughts are there, in fact, I think about people more than they realise. I am just rubbish at telling them. I even think about people I have not seen for years.

I do not need to be liked, I have my friends and loved ones. I am a good person, mostly, and definitely, have some flaws that are here to stay and some that need some work, but don’t we all? I would prefer for people to try to get to know me before making a decision.

I am perfect in my own way, I am always the best 🤗

Thank you for reading👍
