I came across a guy who allowed he's friend to sleep with he's wife can you imagine that... before I continue let's continue with what we have for today

Permit me to call my speakers which are
Miss ogechi ikpa and Miss Winifred chisom

Hello beautiful people, I hope your day is going well and you’re staying safe. I probably know some of you are grumbling about staying indoors so much but let’s remember that we want to be alive at the end of this and for that we need to follow up the rules.
 I wondered to myself I’ve never written anything motivational before but I think it’s a good challenge so here is my effort and I hope it’s of benefit to all who read it. Now, I wonder if some of us have noticed how some people are picked to do certain duties in school, church etc.
A keen observer would notice that some of them are not even known but yet they are picked, I agree that sometimes it’s connection and so on but sometimes it’s simply because their names are in rooms they haven’t even discovered yet. Do you know why?

It is because the excellence of their performance, the way they have done similar things in the past has been noticed by their superiors and talked about, their names have gone before them and done half the job so that when they are picked it simply remains for them to prove the worth of what their name has done. My point in this is simply that your name can pave the way for you but you have to put in the effort, each human has something unique about them, do not accept second best, put in the work and make people sit up and take notice that you are capable of great things, when they notice then it’s only a matter of time before your feet enters the exalted circles in which your name is already circulating in.

However, my beautiful people note that not every room is the right one, so endeavor that your work sends your name to the right rooms, do not look down on yourself, because it’s only when you accept failure that you truly become a failure, so know that everyone has this ability to send their names to the right room.
Negative people sometimes try to block this path for some of us sometimes, in such cases you need to fight but fight wisely, by this I mean pray, pray with a pure heart and absolute faith and watch these negative people take your name forward for your success by themselves. I sincerely hope I’ve impacted something in the beautiful human reading this and I can only say now with all my heart that you succeed in life, take advantage of this path and don’t let anyone bring you down. Finally, Godspeed my beautiful people and stay safe.

Self realization refers to the achievement of ones personality and this simply means achieving the highest, truest expression of yourself as a human being by listening to that tiny voice that never keeps quiet in you
Keys to self realization.....
Self love: Having a regard for one's well-being and happiness,taking care of your own needs,not sacrificing your own needs to please others and not settling for less than you deserve. Self love is a journey, it takes dedication, devotion and practice. Resolve yo love yourself each and every day and watch your best self blossom and your greatest life unfold. Self love is an exponential force.
Celebration: Remembering and celebrating yourself paves way to self realization.It is celebrating who you are right now: not your future self and not the person you wish you were
Accepting and learning to love the parts of yourself you don’t like, supportingyou in any changes you want to make to your life
Working out what you love to do and doing it more
Your own personal celebration of yourself, as private as you like,a support tool for you to have with you at all times
A secret weapon to cheer you on.
Having standards....standards are things you set for yourself by no longer putting up with less than what you are capable of doing. When you get into the groove of continuously setting new standards for things you tolerate in yourself, you will elevate your pattern of behavior to higher levels and be able to hold yourself to them.

Alright lemme continue with my story as for me I can't allow it ohhh, my husband is for me because we are bounded together in love♥️

Thank you for readingšŸ˜˜


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