'Isn't the weather great?' I asked, looking out of the window. The sun was up, despite it being monsoon season. The spirit at our table was festive. I was enjoying Sia's company. She's one of my co-workers. Though we are not in the same department, we hit it off at an inter departmental picnic.
'I agree.' Sia smiled. 
Both of us were deep in conversation, with lots of giggling in true women style, when the weather transformed. The sunshine was replaced by deep blue clouds. A bolt of electricity flew across the sky. It was almost as if trouble would strike anytime.
And it did!
Barkha walked up to our table and took a seat without asking, how polite, isn't she? Witch! I totally despise her. She does donkey's work and never gets caught. Blame it on her innocent smile and the killer eyes! The boss never ever reprimands her; he practices favoritism- big time!
I just smiled at her, while Sia got up to hug her. Ewww. Barkha began chattering about her new clothes, and new make-up. Every line she spoke ended with 'Cool Na?' which totally bugged me. On top of it, she didn't give even half a chance to me and Sia to talk. I excused myself and went to the washroom, for I couldn't bear her anymore.
I washed my face to pacify my annoyance
 I took deep breathes and wondered why did Barkha have to spoil it? The weather turned gloomy and I'm certain the lunch wouldn't taste good anymore. Perhaps I should leave. Yup, I'll go back to the table and declare that I have a meeting and have to leave urgently. That way I'll save Barkha from my fury. She sure will be thankful cause once my tongue begins spitting venom, it's sure to be deadly.
Walking out to the table, I did as was decided.'You got a call?' Sia asked raising an eyebrow. Probably she suspected the legitimacy of the meeting I was leaving for.
'Yup. Fendy, my assistant called on my mobile.' I replied, not flinching once.
'But your mobile is here,' Barkha revealed. She was pointing at my mobile that sat pretty on the table.
Damn! Why didn't I take it with me? The irritation began showing on my face. I was about to lash out at Barkha, and tell her how she irritated me, when Sia squeezed my hand and urged me to sit. I obeyed.
'Remember, we traded mobiles?' Sia asked me, trying to save my skin.
'Oh, ya. I'm so forgetful!' I chuckled with relief.
'Then where's your cell phone Sia?' Barkha butt in, that pest!
'It's in my purse!' both Sia and me declared, waving our own purses in the air.
Barkha looked at us suspiciously. 'I mean it's her purse' Sia said pointing at me. I nodded frantically.
'OKAY' Barkha said, disappointed at her inability to erupt my swelling volcano of irritation. She always tried to do that. She knew my weak point and she tried every bit to latch on to it. Luckily, she raised no further queries about my meeting thanks to Barkha's cell phone which rang and she excused herself and attended to it.
I started getting up from my chair, when, yet again Sia kept me glued. This time she gave me a stare and whispered in my ear, 'She's testing you. Don't let her win!'
'But I can't take it anymore, I'm losing control!' I whispered back.
'Think of this as your lesson in self control!' Sia said, and smiled at me reassuringly.
Barkha joined us back and asked me if I was leaving.I replied politely, 'No I'm not leaving. I'm just beginning to enjoy myself! Cool na?' I hummed 'cool na?' just the way Barkha does. I did it just to bug her.
Then, I squeezed Sia's hand as if to say 'I appreciate it.'
That's one victory for me and the inauguration of my lessons in self control.

Thank you so much for reading πŸ€—♥️πŸ€—


  1. Thrilling and teaching. We need more of such impressive writings.

  2. Wow. It's wonderful
    Keep it up 😍😍😍

  3. It's wonderful, keep it up😍

  4. This is an interesting write up.

  5. i really enjoy reading it


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