MEET ME AT MIDNIGHT (Episode 3) Final episode

On a Monday morning my phone beeped.

Meet me behind the pool, at 9pm”.

Should I change my dress? But the idea of midnight peeling me out of my clothes tempted me to borrow something more risqué from Angie’s closet, that is Andy sister. Would she have anything that fitted?.

When I said Angie’s closet, I of course meant the third bedroom in our little pad. Surely I must be able to find something?

Too short, too long, too tight, too loose. I tired some clothes and stood in front of the mirror .Nope. I may have been a lady of the night, but that didn’t mean I warned to look like one. Hang on what was this A knee-length, but that wasn’t what made it stand out. No, I was attracted to the Zipper that started at the neck and went all the way to the bottom hem. Easy  access.

 The path to the stables was shrouded in darkness, and for a moment, I wished I’d brought a touch, but I suspected midnight wouldn’t appreciate that he chose darkness for a reason; I just didn’t know what it was.

The last stall, he said, and if he’d lit the candle, he must be there already. Heart hammering, I tiptoed forwards, right into his arms.

“You came,” he whispered.

“You thought I wouldn’t?”

“I want to apologize on what happened the last time”

“Sweetheart it’s alright”
His confession gave me confidence. “Trust me; there’s nowhere I’d rather be.”

I melted against his chest as he kissed me, and with no danger of sinking this time, I stood on tiptoes and gave as good as I got. The man made me wild, so wild I felt like a character from one of my books.

The kissing continued over and over, before I could stop him he hand reached to my breast, removed my bra and sucked one nipple into his mouth groaning softly.

Words seemed unnecessary as he arranged me on his lap and wrapped me around his waist.

“Thank you for coming today.”

“it’s my pleasure.”

And the clock was ticking.  

“How about dinner later this week?”

“Splendid. Do you want to choose the cuisine again?”

“No, you pick. Surprise me.”

Although even as the words left my mouth, I doubted anything would ever top midnight  

“And you’ll always have my heart. Always.

“Yes, I know, my heart fluttered.



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