Unknown: Meet me at midnight. The chronicles guest house by the pond

At first I thought the message was a joke. It had to be. Because this is someone I dream off

Andy: Surely I hope you’re not going anywhere, I pretended not to have heard her.

Ten rather sweaty minutes later, as I stood with my mother and father pretending to listen to their conversation, the mystery man replied.

Unknown: only one way to find out….

I poured myself another glass of garish yellow fruit punch from a daffodil-patterned jug and sighed. Andy would go, but Andy had more courage than I did .people always expressed surprise when they found out we are course mate from the same university, and I quite understood why-I was the mouse to her lioness, the water to her fire. 

Fine, so I was the waitress to Andy lioness.
Why did he choose such a place like this? And at a quarter to midnight, I kept walking round the chronicle guest house.
I hadn’t planned to go there. I hadn’t even thought about it. Okay, so I had thought about it, but not seriously. I mean, the whole idea was crazy, right?

“Identify yourself,” she said. “Who goes there?”

“You know who it is,” he said, voice low.

“I’m quite sure I don’t.”

He stepped forward, closer, closer, until I felt the puff of breath on my check, tried kissing me.

The next thing he got was a hot slap on he’s face given by me, he paused.

He paused halfway to the door.” What?

“uh, I…… I don’t think we should this.…”

I pulled out my phone and handbag and walked out of him

Then he melted into the darkness.

The next morning, I soaked my blisters in a hot bubble bath as I relived midnight’s visit with quarrel and embarrassment. Confessing I had no idea how I slapped him, he must have thought I was a complete maroon. But whatever he’s thinking is not of my business. if he thoroughly want to approach a lady of substance he should be more careful.

“Taking the day off?” Mummy asked when I perched on a stool at the breakfast bar.

 “I’ve got a video conference with the conference with the merchandise, I spat my orange juice across the table. “No, you most certainly did not.”

 She threw me a roll of paper towel, and I blotted up the mess.

“When’s the next party?” I asked.

Four weeks, darling. Don’t forget your father and I are going for a break at the villa first.”


So after the whole incident Mr midnight hasn’t called or text me, what do you think it could be,  the misunderstanding we had?. “Stay tune for episode 3”


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