Culiary skills are sexy, and knowing your way around a kitchen is a desirable quality in a partner. It has nothing to do with your level of skill and everything to do with the fact that you are simply willing to dedicate the time and effort to cook in the first place.
To put it in a cliché way, it's the thought that counts. Even making something as simple as scrambled eggs or basic pasta and sauce can bring a couple closer because they did it together.

Not sure what it means to purée? Don't know which knife to use to cut the vegetables? Maybe your partner knows the answer, maybe not. We're not all professionals, which is precisely the allure of cooking with a significant other. Not only will you learn about culinary terms and techniques, but you will also learn more about your significant other on a personal, deeper level.What is her favorite meal to prepare? Who taught him how to cook? What is her fondest cooking memory? What cooking habits has he developed? Cooking is a simple way to expand your knowledge individually while growing as a couple.
Perhaps you both worked together to create the most amazing recipe for  is yam and egg sauce that is shown below

Cooking creates a memory that the two of you share and adds another page to the story of the relationship.


1. The two of you will get some quality alone time in.
Whether you’re dating, newlyweds, or are in the full swing of marriage, getting alone time with your significant other is a nice change of pace from any average meal time. Plus, contrary to eating out at a restaurant, cooking together is time to interactively engage.
Have kids? Call in a babysitter or plan to eat late once they’ve gone to bed – cooking together without distractions will create an experience that you can both remember fondly and gives you some good time to connect. What’s better than alone time with your loved one? Alone time with good food and a loved one.

2. You’ll build teamwork in your relationship.
Learn to rely on each other and work together towards a common goal,either choose one dish and divide up the tasks or divide up multiple dishes that each of you can be responsible for. You’ll have an opportunity not only to have a good time together, but to see how well you can problem solve. You’ll be able to use this as a good representation of how you can work together as a team outside of the kitchen.

3. A connection will be formed over learning together and trying new things.
There’s nothing more exciting than taking on a new skill, and what’s better than showing each other a thing or two in the process? You’ll both improve your skills in the kitchen, by watching, doing, and learning.
Whether its one of your first few times in the kitchen or it’s on a dish you’ve never made before, you’ll be able to connect over the experience and who knows – you might find a mutual interest to keep coming back to for regular activities to do together!

4. You’ll be encouraged to have fun and be romantic!
How often do we forget to have a good time without scheduling it in? Take the time to cook together and make the experience the exciting part by grabbing a glass of wine, turning up the tunes for an impromptu dance party, and putting your skills to good use. Make the most of your time in the kitchen and date night will never feel the same!

5. You can be proud of what you’re eating.
When you know the ingredients and effort that’s gone into your dish, you’ll feel that much more satisfied eating it. Chances are high that if you’ve made it at home, it’s a lot healthier than anything you can eat at a restaurant so you can feel good about choosing a quiet night at home. Plus, you can be proud of your own effort and your partner’s.

Again, it's the thought, love and care that went into the meal that counts. The satisfaction you will feel does not come from the food itself, but rather, from the knowledge that you and your partner were able to work together, as a team, toward a common goals.


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